Becoming a more authentic leader

  Authenticity is a popular term in modern workplaces and a core component of many books and models on contemporary leadership practice. It is generally accepted that authentic leaders are able to promote higher levels of engagement, motivation and productivity.  Employees want to believe in the people that lead them and look for a variety[…]

Finding true self-belief & self-acceptance

  Few topics have received as much attention as confidence (or self-belief) over the years, with thousands of self-help books claiming to have the “secret” for building everlasting self-esteem and eliminating doubt. However in reality most people experience fluctuations in their levels of confidence from time to time. There will be occasions when one feels[…]

Harnessing the power of networking

The changing nature of both our external environment and organisations means that increasingly leaders are required to engage, consult and collaborate with a much broader and more diverse group of stakeholders; both within and outside their system. They are being faced with problems that are complex and multi-faceted. Generating suitable solutions for these challenges demands[…]

Maximise your impact through critical transitions

In today’s ever changing work environment it is commonplace for leaders to experience a range of different transitions across their career.  Whether it be moving in, through or out of an organisation, executives are constantly having to adapt to an array of complex professional and personal challenges associated with each major change.  From having to re-establish credibility in[…]

Understanding stress & building resilience

Modern life is increasingly more stressful, complex and demanding of one’s time.  Advances in technology over the past two decades have seen an exponential increase in general accessibility, as well as a swift rise in the frequency and volume of information sources that people are exposed to.   The implications of a 24/7 cycle leaves much[…]

Creating balance & meaningful integration

Modern life is hectic and sometimes it feels hard to have a deeper sense of meaning and purpose. Most people struggle with an endless “to do” list of tasks and chores that never seem to be progressed. It is easy to fall into the trap of operating on autopilot at the expense of stopping to[…]

Understanding happiness & its causes

Last week I attended the 10th annual Happiness & Its Causes conference at Luna Park. It was a wonderful, life-affirming event attended by 2000 plus delegates and chocked with presentations and sound-bites from some of the brightest minds within Psychology (Barbara Fredrickson, Timothy Sharp, Robert Biswas-Diener, Paul Gilbert, Russ Harris), the Dalai Lama and some great[…]

Working with complexity & ambiguity

In recent times, the world has experienced unanticipated and unprecedented amounts of change in every facet of life, including political, economic, social, environmental and technological. Organisations are seeing big shifts in customer expectations and competition. They are required to contend with exponentially greater levels of ambiguity, complexity, competition and uncertainty. And, all the signs suggest[…]